What's Included:
It shall be the mission of the Education Foundation of Greenville to acquire and distribute financial and other resources to the Greenville Public Schools. The resources shall be used for programs and projects aimed at enhancing or supplementing educational programs and providing extended educational opportunities.
This event has been reviewed for the physical activity content and endorsed by the Michigan Fitness Foundation and the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness. This does not reflect endorsement of the sponsoring organization or the products used.
In case of threatening weather: The YJC may be delayed or cancelled if any of the following weather conditions exist: Tornado Warning, Tornado Watch, Thunderstorm, Lightening or Heavy Rain. If threatening weather forces cancellation of the event, no refunds will be provided, since funds were already spent in preparation for Race Day. Race shirts will be distributed.
The Yellow Jacket Challenge is a 5K run and one mile walk sponsored by the Education Foundation of Greenville which benefits Greenville Public Schools. It started in 2008 with just over 160 runners. Since then we have grown to an annual event with our biggest year in 2017 boasting almost 400 runners and more than 100 walkers every year. Our elementary schools have established successful running clubs with the goal of helping our young students meet the Michigan physical fitness standards and train for a 5K.
Over the years, we have shared many success stories. This is a great race for first time 5K runners and we are proud to help people accomplish their goals. We have watched personal triumphs celebrated and dreams of physical fitness achieved. The year 2017 brought us inspiration. In that year, one participant, who had received a double lung transplant 16 months prior, walked the 5K with her family by her side. Another achieved her dream of running her first 5K after a weight loss journey from a 4XL to an XL. And, let’s not forget our race winner that year rode his bicycle 50 miles to get here!
These stories are an inspiration to all of us and the reason why the YJC is truly a celebration of family and community. I would like to share my sincere thanks to every person who has a hand in making the YJC such a success. To our sponsors and community partners, thank you for providing the funding necessary to make it happen. To over 100 volunteers, thank you for managing every detail and making it look easy. To our running club coaches, thank you for instilling such excitement in our young runners. To every runner and walker, many who have come every year, thank you for dedicating this day on your calendar and making it such a special event. Please know how much I appreciate every single person and all they do to make the Yellow Jacket Challenge a tremendous success.
The race features Young Yellow Jacket Fun Runs which occur on Legacy Field following the 5K Run. All participants young fun runners will receive a finisher’s ribbon.
Awards include overall and master's male/female trophies and age group medals for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. Male/female awards and age groups: Overall, Masters (Age 40 & older), 9 and younger, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, and 80+ years old.